Fra:                                              Thomas Kruse Lie - Patrade A/S <>

Sendt:                                        7. september 2018 15:56

Til:                                               Peter Gustav Olson

Kopi:                                           Ekstern post; Mathias Johnsen Hildershavn; Lisbeth Kortegaard Ekström - Patrade A/S

Emne:                                        SV: AR: RE: AR: Forespørsel om fristforlengelse. Saksnummer OP2018/00186 og OP2018/00187- Njord ref- 400583-047 og 400583-048 [ Our ref.: O1187NO00 /O1188NO00/TKL ]


Dear Peter and Patentstyret (and others)

All extensions so far have been granted unilaterally – As you know, Patentstyret has already declined to give further unilateral extensions.


First of all, I hardly see why Patentstyret needs to be involved in our settlement discussions.


Since you have pressed the issue; Yes, we sent forth a refusal to your demands yesterday afternoon, the merits of which we need not discuss – Patentstyret is welcome to revisit both our observations in our pending cases, should they wish to do so.


The fact that we sent the refusal yesterday does not in any way influence your ability to simply submit your arguments and proof of use in timely fashion.


The suggestion we sent in return yesterday is perfectly in line with suggestions we have now repeated on multiple occasions. Your client has been aware of our position for months, and my client is no longer willing to accept any more delays as a result of your continued lack of will to adjust to an acceptable amicable compromise.


As you must realize, your actions so far have led my client to firmly believe that an amicable solution is unlikely, hence our approach to this request for yet another extension – Patentstyret’s decisions indeed seems necessary.   


The fact that your client resides in Santa Cruz, California, and allegedly has multiple licensees in Europe does not change this, nor should it, in our opinion, absolve your client from the timely procedure of cancellation proceedings in Norway.    


As a result, Patentstyret is respectfully asked to dismiss the request for additional extensions, and proceed to decisions in timely fashion instead.


Med venlig hilsen | Yours sincerely

Patrade A/S
Thomas Kruse Lie
Assistant Attorney

Østre Havnepromenade 26


+45 7020 3770

DK-9000 Aalborg


+45 9879 5014



+45 6019 7035

Aarhus            Copenhagen            Aalborg            Kolding

For IPR related news please visit or follow us on LinkedIn

The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. If you received this by accident, please notify the indicated sender and delete it from your mailbox.


Fra: Peter Gustav Olson []
Sendt: 7. september 2018 15:13
Til: Thomas Kruse Lie - Patrade A/S
Cc: Mathias Johnsen Hildershavn; Lisbeth Kortegaard Ekström - Patrade A/S;
Emne: AR: RE: AR: Forespørsel om fristforlengelse. Saksnummer OP2018/00186 og OP2018/00187- Njord ref- 400583-047 og 400583-048 [ Our ref.: O1187NO00 /O1188NO00/TKL ]


Dear Mr. Lie,


With reference to your email below I am quite surprised by your reaction. Please confirm to the Norwegian PTO that you have sent us a counterproposal for a settlement of this group of cases yesterday afternoon, knowing full well that my client is in California and has licensees in Europe. We took it as a matter of course that you would not object to the brief extension request under these circumstances, and therefor included you as cc on our communication. Nor can I see any harm to your client in a brief extension.  


Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Peter Gustav Olson
Advokat / Partner

Direct: +45 77 40 11 80


NJORD Advokatpartnerselskab
Pilestræde 58
DK-1112 Copenhagen, Denmark
Telephone: +45 33 12 45 22
CVR: 34 87 78 07


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From: Thomas Kruse Lie - Patrade A/S []
Sent: 7. september 2018 14:41
Cc: Mathias Johnsen Hildershavn <>; Peter Gustav Olson <>; Lisbeth Kortegaard Ekström - Patrade A/S <>
Subject: SV: AR: Forespørsel om fristforlengelse.
Saksnummer OP2018/00186 og OP2018/00187- Njord ref- 400583-047 og 400583-048 [ Our ref.: O1187NO00 /O1188NO00/TKL ]
Importance: High


Dear Sirs


As previously mentioned, my client, the cancellation applicant, does not give its consent to further extensions.


The owner has been given multiple extensions already, at the latest with a clear message from Patentstyret that no further extensions will be given unless prior consent was given – Obviously, this consent does not exist.   


The extensions have already left the owner more than enough time to submit proof of use and its arguments, if it were in fact able to do so.


It is the cancellation applicant’s clear opinion that the owner has no intention to proceed with an amicable solution as long as these extensions are given – In fact, the owner has been given multiple opportunities to conclude an amicable settlement, but has consistently, by own will, chosen not to do so.


Therefore, the cancellation applicant finds it perfectly reasonable that Patentstyret stands by its latest decision, and thereby declines this request.


Again, the owner is CC’ed on this response and notified by the cancellation applicant’s objection.


Med venlig hilsen | Yours sincerely

Patrade A/S
Thomas Kruse Lie
Assistant Attorney

Østre Havnepromenade 26


+45 7020 3770

DK-9000 Aalborg


+45 9879 5014



+45 6019 7035

Aarhus            Copenhagen            Aalborg            Kolding

For IPR related news please visit or follow us on LinkedIn

The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. If you received this by accident, please notify the indicated sender and delete it from your mailbox.


Fra: Mathias Johnsen Hildershavn []
Sendt: 7. september 2018 12:25
Til: ''
Cc: Peter Gustav Olson; Thomas Kruse Lie - Patrade A/S
Emne: AR: Forespørsel om fristforlengelse. Saksnummer OP2018/00186 og OP2018/00187- Njord ref- 400583-047 og 400583-048




Det vises til sak OP2018/00186 og OP2018/00187 og fastsatt frist til 9. september for å inngi svar til Anmoder sitt krav om slettelse av varemerkene med registreringsnummer 152846 og 227723.


Det opplyses om at de norske sakene er ledd i en større konflikt med to rettsaker i Danmark og krav om lignende opphevelser for EUIPO. Videre er det også en pågående innsigelse sak i Norge, og som er årsaken disse opphevelsessakene.  Vi mottok senest i går ettermiddag et forlikstilbud fra motpart og har videresendt det til Innehaver. Innehaver trenger tid til å vurdere dette, herunder for å diskutere med sine lisenstakere i Europa.  Innehaver anser det som lite hensiktsmessig at det innleveres svar til Anmoders administrative overprøvinger, når partene fortsatt er i en forhandlingssituasjon.


Basert på følgende forhold bes det om at det tilstås ny fristutsettelse på 2 uker. Dette blir formentlig den siste fristforlengelsen.


Vi ber om bekreftelse på at denne e-posten er mottatt og det er bare å ta kontakt dersom dere har spørsmål til det ovenstående.


Med vennlig hilsen


Sendt på vegne av Peter Gustav Olson.



Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Mathias Johnsen Hildershavn
Juridisk konsulent / Legal Adviser

Mobile: +47 46 90 47 37


NJORD Advokatpartnerselskab
Pilestræde 58
 Copenhagen, Denmark
Telephone: +45 33 12 45 22
CVR: 34 87 78 07

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